- The experimental study shows that the yield surface radius descreases with increasing the cyclic number under the specific strain amplitude and decreases with the incre... 循环背应力幅值随单调应变而减小;随循环塑性应变幅值增大而增大.
- cyclic loading with constant strain amplitude 等应变幅循环加载
- Variation of Damping Properties Under Magnetic Field and Shear Strain Amplitude in Fe-Cr-Al Alloys. 高阻尼Fe-Cr-Al合金在磁场和应力场下的阻尼行为
- The degradation of undrained shear strength is related to the cyclic strain and accumulated pore pressure produced by undrained clyclic loading. 并将波浪荷载作用使土样内孔压升高,有效应力降低,形成拟超固结现象的理论,应用到土样不排水抗剪强度衰减与平均累积孔压之间关系的分析;
- Uniaxial LCF tests were conducted under strain control at several strain amplitudes in tension-compression cyclic loading. 从而了解基地组织、球墨数多寡及缺陷对低周疲劳性质与破坏机构的 影响。
- The results show that internal friction in fatigue process with in situ proton irradiation is strain amplitude dependent. 结果表明,有质子辐照的疲劳过程中的内耗在较大应变振幅下是与振幅有关的内耗。
- Based on the Coffin-Manson law, the curve was expressed approximately as mean value and in the form of cyclic strain of mean square deviation-curve of life span. 基于Coffin -Manson律 ,将曲线近似表示为均值和均方差循环应变 寿命曲线的形式。
- In the analysis, the total strain amplitude as well as the rules of accumulative damage are used for the research of the fatigue life. 提出了一个用于计算非对称循环载荷下材料低周疲劳寿命的累积损伤模型和方法。
- Nonlinear modulus of rock is function of strain level and strain amplitude.The modulus decays exponentially with ascending of strain amplitude, while increases with strain level increasing. 岩石非线性模量既是所受应变水平的函数,也是应变振幅的函数,模量随应变振幅的增加以指数形式下降,随应变水平增加以指数形式上升。
- This research takes a simple cantilever for example, lists its structure dynamics by finite element method and establishes the equation between the load and strain amplitude in the time domain. 本研究以一简单的悬臂梁为例,以有限元素分析法列出其结构振动方程式,并依此方程式求出外加负载与应变振幅的关系。
- But at low strain amplitude, its values are less and the change with cycle number is acute, especially for the alloys with low titanium content and low yield strength such as E10 and M10 alloys. 当应变幅较低时, 合金的塑性应变能较小但变化较大, 特别是塑性较好的E10和M10合金;
- The variation of flow behavior and microstructure of metal materials during cyclic straining was described from the point of view of energy. 从能量的观点阐述了金属材料在循环变形过程中性能的变化及其微观机制。
- The cyclic tests for 304 stainless steel with solution heat treatment under uni-axial cyclic straining and stressing were carried out systematically. 在室温下对固溶处理的304不锈钢进行了系统单轴应变与应力循环实验。
- If the energy of original microstructure is higher,it will transfer to the lower energy state during cyclic straining and cyclic softening will occur. 如果原始组织结构的能量较高,则循环变形过程中将会向低能结构转化,并发生循环软化;相反,则发生循环硬化。
- maximum principle strain amplitude 第一主应变幅
- Experimental Research on the HSC Under Cyclic Loading with Specified Constant Large Strain Amplitude 高应变下较高强度混凝土的等应变幅循环试验
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Compression Experiment of Concrete Under Cyclic Loading with Gradually Increased Strain Upper Limit of Large Strain Amplitude 应变上限递增的混凝土高压应变循环受力试验
- The fatigue cracks initiate and propagate both in a transgranular manner for all the total strain amplitudes under consideration. 碳化物可作为障碍,阻碍疲劳裂纹的扩展,且为主要的二次裂纹策源地;